Power of breathing

The first time I came to experience the power of the breath was during my pregnancy. I started to go to yoga classes during my first trimester and continued also throughout my hole pregnancy. It helped me a lot both mentally and physically to cope with the difficulties I had during this time. I also […]
What is the secret???

For a long time I thought there was a SECRET. When I would find out about THE SECRET all my problems with my weight would be solved. Every time I found out about a new diet I would be so excited, was this it? Was this the thing that was going to make me lose […]
The controversy of food

I don’t know about you but food has been and still is, a big issue for me. What to eat, how much to eat, when to eat has always occupied a big portion of my headspace. During the last couple of years I have also noticed that even people who don’t have a problematic relationship […]